Home Daycares in Nodine Hill

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Infant (<15 mths)

Small-scale child care in Nodine Hill

When smaller is better, home daycare is the best. Find great options for infants & toddlers near you.


Ms. Carmen

Language Immersion

Every child deserves love and care. In my program, kids are encouraged in the same way I encourage my own three children. Caretaking is something I have plenty of experience with – from time spent working with children and with the elderly. I am warm, patient, and loving – and children really respond to that combination! My favorite thing about working with kids is their positive energy – they have so much of it, and it inspires me to match it with my own. Being around children invigorates me, brings me a lot of happiness, and keeps me young!


Ms. Mariela

Play-Based Learning

Children learn so much from interacting with each other. Our environment is set up for learning and growth, and I work with parents to make sure every child is happy here! I started working with kids as a babysitter to my nieces – and now I have children of my own as well. As an auntie and a mother, I have learned how to give kids a nice balance of independence and guidance, and use this knowledge daily in my program. Kids in my program become more independent as the days go by!


Ms. Phylicia

Early Intervention Expertise

Children are always reaching new milestones. At this stage, every day brings new discoveries and skills and connections. There is no better feeling than watching a child gain confidence and be proud of what they’ve accomplished. As an older child, I often helped my mother take care of my siblings. I was always there to cheer them on and root for them. The kids in this program hopefully feel that same support. In fact, we even have achievement award parties sometimes to celebrate everyone’s growth!


Mr. David

Language Immersion

Daycare programs can really broaden a child’s horizons! I offer a Yiddish immersion program that is inclusive and welcoming to all. We have a special community here, and I have many years of experience working with kids. I got my license in 2008 as a public-school teacher and have been teaching in informal and formal settings for over a decade – and I have a two-year-old child and another on the way. Giving kids many different opportunities to learn and grow is what motivates me every day!

Find out rates & availability for daycares in Nodine Hill

Nodine Hill

There is 1 licensed home daycare in Nodine Hill. Most parents don’t know that home daycare is regulated by the Office of Children and Family Services, just like the big preschool centers.

For more daycare recommendations in Nodine Hill, take our 5-minute survey.

Other daycares near Nodine Hill

All of these nearby daycares are licensed by the Office of Children and Family Services. While they don’t work with NeighborSchools, you can visit the government website here to try to contact them directly.

Marlenys Y. Bonilla Tavarez

179 Elm Street, Apt. 2F, Yonkers, NY

License # 866504

Licensed for 16 since 2021

Marlenys Y. Bonilla Tavarez runs a licensed Family Child Care program in Yonkers. As with all home daycares in New York, her program is licensed by the Office of Children and Family Services, which ensures that she has completed trainings in childhood development, health & safety. Home daycares like this are a great option for parents looking for small-scale, personalized child care.
Belkis Peralta

9 Cedar St., Yonkers, NY

License # 561436

Licensed for 16 since 2012

This home daycare in Yonkers is led by Belkis Peralta, a licensed Family Child Care educator. By choosing licensed child care, you can rest assured that the provider has passed a government-issued background record check, and that the home daycare environment has been inspected by the state licensing department. With a maximum of just 16 children, this program is a good option for parents close to home near Yonkers.
Lisa M. Castillo Almonte

151 Waverly St, Apt. 1, Yonkers, NY

License # 589615

Licensed for 16 since 2012

Home daycares like Lisa M. Castillo Almonte’s are a favorite with parents who want a small-scale child care program near Yonkers. All daycares on NeighborSchools are fully licensed, so you know they’ve passed a background record check and educators have completed trainings in childhood development, health & safety. This daycare takes just 16 children, so each child gets lots of individualized care while learning to socialize in a small group setting.
Ana L. Santos

372 Prescott Street, Apt. 2, Yonkers, NY

License # 555435

Licensed for 16 since 2012

Family child care provider Ms. Ana runs this daycare out of her home in Yonkers, New York. She is licensed by the state to care for up to 16 children, which means she has completed required trainings and continuing education hours. Family child care programs can be a great fit for parents that want their child to get lots of individualized care and attention.
Ayleen N. Mendez

64 William st, Apt. 1, Yonkers, NY

License # 852047

Licensed for 16 since 2020

A small, local home daycare in nearby Yonkers, New York led by Ms. Ayleen. Many parents choose home daycares because the small group sizes can be great for infant and toddler development, and they are often more affordable than preschool centers. This child care program takes just 16 kids.
Emilkis Almonte De De La Cruz

188 Elm Street, 1f Floor, Yonkers, NY

License # 843471

Licensed for 16 since 2019

Parents looking for a small-scale child care often prefer home daycares, like this one with Ms. Emilkis in Yonkers, New York. Better ratios, more flexible schedules, and lots of love for the little ones are the keys. Most daycares take a mix of ages, which helps with childhood development as infants learn from toddlers, and the preschoolers act as role models for the babies. And this daycare takes a maximum of 16 kids total!
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Child care programs & philosophies for every family

Each daycare provider designs their program based on their unique background & child care experience.

Even more home daycares in Nodine Hill

You’d be surprised just how many small-scale child care programs there are in Nodine Hill. to find options that work for you.

Elquiza M. Collado

133 Linden Street, Yonkers, NY

License # 121194

Licensed for 16 since 2002

Ines M. Polanco

101 Maple Street, Yonkers, NY

License # 629576

Licensed for 16 since 2013

Maria G. Cuapio Mendoza

62 William, 2nd Floor, Yonkers, NY

License # 853898

Licensed for 16 since 2019

Lisa Harris

350 Walnut Street, Yonkers, NY

License # 714430

Licensed for 8 since 2015

Gabriela Gomez De Divison

69 Spruce Street, Apt. 2-W, Yonkers, NY

License # 869989

Licensed for 16 since 2021

Annerys D. Rodriguez

372 Prescott Street, Yonkers, NY

License # 261280

Licensed for 16 since 2006

Ines M. Polanco Uceta

27 Garfield st, Apt. 1L 1L Floor, Yonkers, NY

License # 878856

Licensed for 16 since 2021

Let’s find a really good daycare for you

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Your family is unique to you, but some of your questions might not be. 😉 Here’s what most parents want to know when starting out.

What is NeighborSchools?

Hey there, nice to meet you 👋 We’re a new-ish startup that helps new-ish parents find daycare.

We know how hard finding good child care can be - especially for first-time parents. But really good care is what gives you the peace of mind to go back to work and feel confident that your child is getting the stimulation, socialization, and support they need to learn and grow.

So we created NeighborSchools to make this piece of parenthood a whole lot easier. We say “easier” because, let’s be honest, it’s still a big thing to figure out, but working together we can help you find some good options, understand the whole process, and choose a program you’ll feel really good about.

Most first-time parents don’t know exactly what they’re looking for, so we created a simple survey that will ask you questions about your lifestyle, your daily routines, and your preferences for child care. We’ll then share 3 personalized recommendations that we think might be a good fit. We’ll also give you a timeline that maps out when we would suggest you start touring programs, choose a daycare, and pay a deposit to secure a spot. Your timeline is based on when you want to start care - so you set the pace, and you decide when you’ve found the right match.

Nope. Our daycare recommendation service is free for parents. The other half of our business is helping these small-scale daycares with software and services that handle all their administrative tasks, like online contracting, payment processing, and licensing requirements. Before NeighborSchools, services like these were only designed for large corporate child care centers, and part of our mission is to level the playing field for small, independent child care programs. That’s why we picked the name NeighborSchools - we’re all about making child care more personal, more human, and more equitable for the incredible individuals who do this work and care for our children.

Generally, if you’re here, you’re ready. The survey lets us give you 3 recommendations to consider, but it’ll also help you better understand what factors to consider, and what questions to be asking right now. It’s simple things like where you live, your child’s date of birth, when you want to start care, and if you have any preferences around program philosophy or language of instruction. If you’re planning 6+ months ahead, it’s a great way to get started, and if you’re hoping to start daycare in the next 2-4 months, it’s definitely time to get started. Click here to start the survey.

Each program has a limited number of spots for each age range, so we need to know your schedule and child’s age before we can share availability. The survey covers these basics, as well as factors like drop-off and pick-up times to make sure that recommended programs fit your daily routine. Once we know your child’s age and schedule we can share rates and costs as well.

More questions? Text or email - we’re here to help.

We’re online Monday - Friday from 8am to 6pm Eastern.

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